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Marking a year since Dobbs overthrew Roe at the National Right to life Convention in Pittsburgh

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I am pleased to have the opportunity to join with individuals from across the United States in Pittsburgh on June 23rd and 24th to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade.

A great deal has transpired in the wake of the demise of Roe. Most importantly, it is estimated that tens of thousands of preborn babies’ lives have been saved as a result of protective laws which went into effect post-Roe. This also implies that thousands of mothers have been spared the profound pain of losing a child to abortion.

Additionally, there has been a noticeable increase in the pro-life movement, with individuals who previously remained silent now advocating for the rights of the unborn. At the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, the Keystone State affiliate of National Right to Life, there has been a noticeable increase in the level of interest in grassroots involvement at the local county chapter level. This is a source of great satisfaction, as local chapters represent the very essence of our life-affirming and life-changing movement.

We are fortunate to have Pennsylvania state Representative Rob Mercuri (R-Allegheny County) and former PA state Senator Jeff Piccola at the convention. The discussion will address the effective techniques employed by lobbyists at the state level. This is a pivotal moment in Pennsylvania, as high-level budget discussions are now underway. The outcome of these deliberations will determine the extent to which Pennsylvania will invest in programs designed to assist pregnant women and their infants.

If you have not already done so, please register for the National Right to Life convention, conveniently accessible online at https://nrlconvention.com/. I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to meet you in person.

Expanding the Reflection

As we prepare for this monumental event, it’s important to reflect on the profound changes and significant progress we’ve witnessed in the pro-life movement since the landmark decision. The past year has not only been a time of celebration for victories but also a period of deep reflection and renewed commitment to our cause. The life-affirming laws that have been enacted have done more than just save lives; they have redefined the societal narrative around the value and dignity of every human life.

The statistics are staggering and heartening. Tens of thousands of preborn babies have been given the chance to live, to grow, and to contribute to our world in countless, unimaginable ways. This also translates to countless women who have been spared the emotional and physical toll that abortion can exact. These women, now empowered and supported, represent a powerful testament to the compassionate and transformative power of our movement.

A Movement Gaining Momentum

The surge in grassroots involvement is one of the most encouraging developments we’ve seen. People from all walks of life are stepping up, finding their voice, and contributing to a cause that resonates deeply with their values. At the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, we’ve witnessed firsthand the blossoming of local chapters into dynamic hubs of activism and support. These local chapters are the lifeblood of our movement, bringing the pro-life message into communities, schools, churches, and homes.

Each new volunteer and advocate brings fresh energy and perspectives, enriching our collective efforts. It’s inspiring to see how local actions can have profound national impacts, creating a ripple effect that underscores the power of unified, grassroots activism. The increase in engagement at the local level is not just a trend; it’s a clear signal that our movement is growing stronger, more resilient, and more determined than ever.

Insightful Discussions and Strategic Planning

The presence of esteemed figures such as Representative Rob Mercuri and former Senator Jeff Piccola at the convention underscores the significance of this gathering. Their insights into effective lobbying and legislative strategies are invaluable, particularly at a time when budget discussions are crucial. These budget deliberations will shape the future of support programs for pregnant women and their babies, highlighting the intersection of policy, advocacy, and real-world impacts.

Our discussions at the convention will delve into the practical aspects of advocacy, equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary to influence policy and public opinion. This strategic planning is essential as we navigate the complex political landscape and work towards creating an environment where life is cherished and protected at all stages.

The Importance of Community and Connection

Attending the National Right to Life convention is more than just participating in a series of events; it’s about becoming part of a community that shares a deep and abiding commitment to life. It’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and draw inspiration from the collective passion and dedication of fellow advocates.

The convention serves as a powerful reminder that we are not alone in this journey. The support, encouragement, and solidarity found at such gatherings are crucial for sustaining our efforts and maintaining the momentum needed to effect lasting change. The personal connections made here often translate into lifelong friendships and professional collaborations, further strengthening our movement.

Register Today

If you have not already done so, please register for the National Right to Life convention. The event is easily accessible online at https://nrlconvention.com/. By attending, you will not only be part of a significant milestone in our movement but also gain invaluable insights and tools to further our shared mission.

I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to meet you in person, to hear your stories, and to work alongside you as we continue to champion the cause of life. Let us come together in Pittsburgh to celebrate our victories, plan for the future, and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to protecting the most vulnerable among us.


Chelsea Garcia is a political writer with a special interest in international relations and social issues. Events surrounding the war in Ukraine and the war in Israel are a major focus for political journalists. But as a former local reporter, she is also interested in national politics.

Chelsea Garcia studied media, communication and political science in Texas, USA, and learned the journalistic trade during an internship at a daily newspaper. In addition to her political writing, she is pursuing a master's degree in multimedia and writing at Texas.

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